Monday, April 20, 2009

A Gummie by any other name

Is still a gummie... So whatever you call these little chewy gel-like objects that my kids can't get enough of, they are the bain of my existence when I actually take my kids to the grocery store. Sad as it is to admit, grocery shopping is me time. No kids allowed if I have my way or else everything we pass is begged for, whined after, and bargained with - most of all the fruit snacks. We call them gummies in our house - yes we have had them enough that we have our own little nicknames for them. SAD.
So the other day I ran across a mention of Sharkies as a great alternative. After a little research about what a sharkie is, I found them at my local target. Reading the front of the box I got excited - GMO free and no high-fructose corn syrup, plus 100% of vitamin C (for sure my kids are lacking there ; )). So hook, line, and sinker I bought the sharkies. Now my 2 year old begs for them. SHARKIES, SHARKIES, SHARKIES. And while yes, I did find a better alternative to Care Bears, Disney Princess, and the Welches Fruit snacks, a gummie is a gummies is a gummie. They are still high in sugar, just a bit more natural. Still processed. And still not a leafy green veggie. If only we could package leafy greens as a Sharkie.... Sigh

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